Saturday, February 15, 2020

Reflection Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Reflection Paper - Essay Example Further adding to the present factual, it has been envisaged that by the year 2030, the only source of population development for Canada will be by attracting more international citizens to permanently settle in Canada. The multicultural acceptance of the state along with a legal frame work positively contributing the adaptation of cultural and social diversity within the country has made life more easy and secure in Canada for people from across the globe. The high rate of social security and the quality of life in the state has always encouraged a high rate of immigration. However the immigrants, especially those who have made their entry not much before are facing problems in getting established in the country. The major problem in them getting established is in getting a job which is however related with other factors like language, culture, local experience and domestic contacts. The studies done on the status of immigrants in Canada, has reiterated that in the primary years of their arrival, they face limitations in getting properly established with the country. The Daily, on September 10, 2007, in their report titled Study: Canada’s immigrant labor market’ has revealed that the immigrants, who migrated not before than five years, faced immense problem in finding a job. The study reveals that they had difficulty in adapting with the Canadian job market. Their rate of unemployment counted to a bit more than eleven percent, when the unemployment percentage of the local Canadian people was less than five percent. Further adding to the statistics it has been found that on an average the educational qualifications of the immigrants were comparatively better in relation with the academic achievements of their local counterparts in the process of job hunt. Thirty six percent of the immigrants were proud graduates where the percentage of people with a degree among the local citizens was merely twenty two

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The Penn State Sex Scandal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

The Penn State Sex Scandal - Essay Example Unfortunately, the identity of the boy remains to be unidentified. Cleary, Sandusky should be held accountable because he molested kids, ruined the reputation of the football program and jeopardized the careers of his colleagues. The first and foremost reason why Sandusky should be indicted is due to the fact he molested little kids during his 3 year tenure period. According to McQueary’s testimony, McQueary depicted a scene in which he entered the Lasch Football locker room and thought he heard voices that depicted sexual activity. He walked into a shower room and saw a naked boy Victim 2. McQueary insisted that the naked boy, Victim 2 was backed up against the shower and was subjected to anal intercourse. The next day, McQueary reported this horrific incident to Paterno, who conveyed this message to Paterno. However, Paterno had knowledge of this information but continued to bring this to the public. The investigation continued to grow stronger as the mother of a young child , who was identified in documents as â€Å"Victim 1. â€Å" To make matter worse, a mother of a boy who was a Central Mountain High School in Clinton County was also reported to be molested by Sandusky. The Grand Jury Investigation concluded that Sandusky evidently had an inappropriate relationship with that boy and was reported to have â€Å"illicit touching: with victim 1 since 2005. ...Both Curley and Schultz denied the fact that Sandusky had oral-anal sexual intercourse with the victim. Curley continued to refute the fact that McQueary told him anything of that nature and insisted that Sandusky was just playing around with kids. The second reason why Sandusky should be indicted and be prisoned is due to the fact that he clearly stained the football program at Penn State. Penn State football program was one of the most prominent and respectable programs in the NCAA. For the last 23 years in this football program, he was the team’s defensive coordinator. However, his hig h reputation as a coach saved was completely diminished after the scandal. Although Sandusky was considered to be â€Å"the heart and the soul† for the football team, this accusation was a huge stain in his reputation. Moreover, the whole football team lost its concentration to achieve the ultimate goal after the scandal had a crippling effect throughout the school. The â€Å"icing on the cake† that proves that Sandusky should be indicted is due to the fact that his horrific actions have jeopardized the professions of his colleagues. As a Penn State coach, Paterno had earned a very solid reputation as a football coach. However, after these accusations were indicted against Sandusky, Paterno and McQueary became victims. Paterno was fired shortly as Sandusky awaited trial. It was evident that the 85 years Paterno’s legacy was brutally plagued with this scandal. Paterno was notorious for assisting students with academics as he also donated to build a library at Pen n State.